Together, We can make a difference
Item donation
Our ministry is made possible by the generosity of individuals and organizations who donate material goods.
Your support helps us provide essential items to our guests in need.
Join us in making a difference in the lives of our community members!
Check out our Amazon Wish Lists below to help us provide much-needed support and resources. Or contact us to see what our current biggest needs are!
Amazon Wishlists
Items We Need:
5lb bags of Sugar
Size 6 Diapers
Men’s & Women’s Underwear (All Sizes)
Men’s Pants – Waist sizes 30-36
Sneakers (all ages and genders)
Items We Cannot Accept:
Dirty, stained or torn items
Knick Knacks
Out-of-season clothing
Expired Goods
Monetary donations
Your generosity can make a meaningful impact on the lives of those we serve here at St. Francis Inn Ministries.
By making a financial contribution, you can help us meet the immediate daily needs of our guests for food, clothing, and hospitality.
Your support means everything to us, as we rely entirely on donations from individuals like you to keep our doors open.
If you prefer to donate by mail, please send your contribution (cash or check) to:
St. Francis Inn Ministries PO Box 3746 Philadelphia, PA 19125-0746